Achim Gieseler is a German synthesist with a broad range of experience working with music-oriented theater groups, as a concert performer, and as a member of Tri Atma during the recording of Ka Jakee Music. Ocean Alpha, his first solo album on the Erdenklang label, was released under his pseudonym Jakino’s 7th World, and it established the unique style of globally-influenced electronic music that L ‚Air, La Terre develops. Gieseler borrows sounds and musical motifs from the Middle East, Africa, India and Japan, as well as drawing on rock, jazz, and classical sources to piece together his highly idiosyncratic and experimental musical vision. From the jazzy piano, synthesizer impressionism and smooth bass guitar solo of the title track to the Arabic wail of „Tariba,“ to the thunderous electronic drums of „Le Bal De N’Dinga,“ Gieseler journeys all over the musical map, tossing in sound effects, crickets and frogs, strange chants and all manner of surprises. This is the music of fantasy and exploration, full of mystery and surreal images, „a declaration of love to all the different cultures of the world.“ The only other musician on the album is Tri Atma’s Jens Fischer, who adds bass and typically innovative guitar on three cuts, one of which he co-wrote. (by AllMusic)